ISOLED® Catalog

Exclusively for our partners - online and as a high-quality print version

ISOLED® offers a wide range of LED products in with over 3.050 items.

  • best guaranteed quality,
  • with the greatest possible ecological energy efficiency,
  • with personal service and
  • efficient processing,
  • with a fair price-performance ratio,

with the trend-setting LED lighting solutions as well as intelligent LED lighting concepts can be realized with short payback periods.


Register as a partner now!

And get immediate unlimited online access to all product and price information!

Exclusive online catalog for our partners

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ISOLED® brand products are of tested quality, meet the strictest quality criteria and are designed for commercial use. They impress with their performance values and durability.

Fast and competent expert advice, smooth and timely order processing, high product availability and quality assurance in all areas of the company grant our customers and partners the very special added value.

You will find all LED products in our online portal. As a special service, we also provide you as a registered partner with the extensive catalog "ISOLED® 2024" with over 1200 pages online and as a print version for free.


The highlights of the new catalog at a glance!

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